Basel’s disease spills over to Zurich

Basel is not only known for its pharmaceutical industry, but the city also gives talk because it distributes signs everywhere. Now this ‘disease’ is also proliferating in Zurich.
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Basel is not only known for its pharmaceutical industry, but the city also gives talk because it distributes signs everywhere. Now this ‘disease’ is also proliferating in Zurich.
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Read moreSwitzerland has discovered the energy crisis as an issue. Politicians are not only giving absurd advice on how to save energy, but the headless actions of the state are also becoming clear.
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Read moreThe big bank UBS announced a takeover worth billions of Dollars, in a gushing statement. Now, it is sheepishly back-pedaling.
Read moreThe airline Swiss currently has almost nothing but negative headlines. But now it has pulled off a coup to underscore its claim to be a premium carrier.
Read moreThe tensions with China are causing companies to put their business in China to the test. However, a German group shows how Swiss companies can also deal with the situation.
Read moreAirlines are suffering from staff shortages following the coronavirus pandemic. Swiss is not alone in relying on emergency personnel from cheaper countries.
Read moreThere are far too many hospitals in Switzerland. The canton of Zurich stands firm with one clinic and withdraws all state service contracts from it. Those responsible are happy.
Read moreRight wing National Councilor and entrepreneur Magdalena Martullo-Blocher is known for her “Seven Thinking Steps”. Now she offers new advice.
Read moreThe United States of America and China are constantly at loggerheads – at least that is the tenor. But now they are settling a decade-old dispute in an unusual place.
Read moreThe crisis-ridden bank Credit Suisse has to cut costs. Now the first details about job cuts are leaking out.
Read moreThe activities of the German insurance giant Allianz in Switzerland are going well. One area in particular stands out in the half-year.
Read moreA study has analyzed the potential for wind energy in Switzerland. But opponents are upset and picking apart the analysis.
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Read moreDuring the energy crisis, civil servants were preparing all kinds of measures in their offices. Germany seems to have been particularly eager.
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