Ermotti shows his cluelessness in the new job

Swiss Re Chairman Sergio Ermotti has once again given an interview. His latest statements show that the star banker still has little idea about reinsurance.
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Swiss Re Chairman Sergio Ermotti has once again given an interview. His latest statements show that the star banker still has little idea about reinsurance.
Read moreThe turmoil in the energy market has caught state-owned Axpo cold. But the catastrophe only shows up deep in their annual report.
Read moreIn the energy crisis the question often arises whether Switzerland is selling or buying electricity. This can be answered simply, live.
Read moreThe struggle for survival of newly founded companies is immense. After five years, every second Swiss startup is no more. But in some sectors of the economy survive even more.
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Read moreThe energy crisis has also hit Switzerland in full force. Of all places, nearly 500,000 customers are getting incorrect information from a supplier.
Read moreSwiss officials constantly have to readjust the consumption quantities of butter. Now they are even off by 12 million pieces, and this would not be needed at all.
Read moreCKW Group has been hit hard by the turmoil on the energy and financial markets. However, it is mainly affecting the two well-known major shareholders.
Read moreUnpaid work is an exciting phenomenon. In Switzerland, more people work for free than for pay.
Read moreThe Competition Commission Weko suspects that Swiss banks may have violated antitrust laws. At issue is the exchange of salary data.
Read moreSwitzerland transfers more than one million AHV/IV pensions to people living abroad. Some Swiss enjoy their retirement in exotic countries.
Read moreThe Federal Council of Switzerland has repeatedly granted money that benefits Geneva. The question of alternatives may well be asked.
Read moreOne of the world’s most important economists, Bruno S. Frey from Basel, has launched an all-out attack. One Swiss fact in particular bothers him – but he presents the solution to
Read moreWho wants to play a role in the globalized world, must become market leader in important regions. No one demonstrates this better than Art Basel.
Read moreSwitzerland pays more than one million AHV/IV pensions abroad every month. The country split shows where Swiss spend their retirement.
Read moreCourage has hardly been researched. But now the rector of the University of Basel is speaking out to show more courage in Switzerland.
Read moreSwisscom’s communication seems to be aimed only at putting the state-owned company in the best light. An example shows how fatal this is for Switzerland.
Read moreIt is true that the use of cash is declining. But coins and notes have important properties. Therefore, cash will still be around for a long time.
Read moreThe Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) will be allowed to significantly increase its electricity prices. However, the entire system for traction current is on edge.
Read moreProviders in the crypto world are caught in a downward spiral. After crypto exchange FTX went belly up, lights are going out on the next platform.
Read morePoliticians almost everywhere are trying to override market forces. Yet price shocks are essential for technical and economic innovations.
Read moreSwiss companies are facing unprecedented challenges like inflation and the energy crisis. For energy-intensive companies it could mean the end.
Read moreBaked goods group Aryzta has significantly increased organic growth in the first quarter of the current fiscal year. One region shows how it’s done.
Read moreSVP Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer has taken two important actions shortly before his departure. These should pay off for Switzerland.
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