Migros goes shopping for itself

Retailer Migros is getting bigger. This time the colossus buys a company in the medical sector and lifts the group with a liberating blow.
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Retailer Migros is getting bigger. This time the colossus buys a company in the medical sector and lifts the group with a liberating blow.
Read moreSwitzerland’s export risk insurer, SERV, has already botched its IT transition twice. The Swiss Federal Audit Office (SFAO) attests to a disaster for a company that actually wants to manage risk.
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Read moreApparently, the Corona vaccine can cause extreme side effects as well as death. States have exempted the pharmaceutical industry from obligations, and a big country is compensating for vaccine damages.
Read moreGenerations of schoolchildren have grown up with these products. The mastermind behind it is now withdrawing from the Swiss education market.
Read moreEconomy Minister and SVP Federal Councillor Guy Parmelin convenes one round table after another. What is the point to all of these meetings?
Read moreAlready for the eighth time the company Zwei Wealth presents the comparison of the achieved annual returns of banks and asset managers. The wheat is indeed being separated from the chaff.
Read moreThe 140-year-old building of the main post office in Basel needs to be renovated. The Axa Investment Foundation, as the owner, lifts the veil on the renovation by star architects Herzog & de Meuron.
Read moreSwitzerland has its back to the wall financially. But when it comes to saving money, the Federal Council is just playing games, as two examples show.
Read moreSwitzerland’s largest museum, the Kunsthaus Zürich, is missing two old masters. The scandal is likely to paint the former president of the Swiss National Bank, Philipp Hildebrand, in a bad light.
Read moreSwitzerland wanted to put a bar on new physician licensing. But this backfired and it is being revised – with an almost funny justification.
Read moreThe restaurant chain L’Osteria has a new majority shareholder. A three-digit million amount for the “best pizza and pasta”?
Read moreSwiss foreign trade has been top so far. But in the fourth quarter of 2022, it declined and, adjusted for inflation, 2022 was a real flop.
Read moreSwatch Group has seen gigantic sales losses due to lockdowns in China. Apart from that, the business 2022 saved a mega idea.
Read moreThe Raiffeisen banking group has created six new Raiffeisen banks within a year. The business model has literally become independent.
Read moreThe Holcim Group, which focuses on building materials, is making one acquisition after another. They strengthen the company in two areas.
Read moreThe Swiss car market is changing and vehicle manufacturers, importers and dealers are taking on new roles. Electromobility is adding one more thing.
Read moreThe ‘Who’s Who’ meet at the World Economic Forum. The Swiss government painted a bad picture in Davos. Even Spain did better and met the economic elite.
Read moreLuxury carmaker Rolls-Royce is launching electric cars. Although they don’t yet even exist, customers are already jostling for them.
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