Georg Fischer Group moves with the times

Georg Fischer (GF) has been trying to be innovative since 1802. (Image: media service)

Georg Fischer (GF), a relatively unknown corporation to the general public, has unveiled its Group’s focus on key trends. At its Capital Market Day, held every three years, the Group, which focuses on the transport of gases and liquids as well as lightweight cast components in vehicles, is showing how it is gearing up for the future.

According to a media release on Tuesday, highlights include solutions for efficient water treatment, developments for sustainable mobility and equipment for smart manufacturing.

Water scarcity as a problem

GF Piping Systems, for example, is presenting its solutions for reducing global water losses at a time when water is scarce in many regions of the world. Water losses alone account for about 32 times the volume of Lake Zurich each year, it says.

However, a special pressure control system for pipelines from GF has prevented around 63 percent of pipe bursts in Italy alone. This is a great contribution for reducing water losses.

Lighter construction

GF Casting Solutions is also focusing on sustainable mobility, in particular on lightweight castings for electric vehicles, which are a prerequisite for achieving the zero emissions targets. The focus of activities is on so-called ‘big castings,’ the latest trend in the production of structural parts, which further supports the transformation of the automotive industry.

This is because the trend toward e-mobility requires vehicles to be lighter. This is where new castings from Georg Fischer come into play, as they consume less fuel or energy because they of such light weight.

Space and medical technology

And the GF Machining Solutions division is providing insights into precision mechanical engineering and digital manufacturing. The division presents its innovations for the factory of the future: Maximum precision, low energy consumption and corresponding automation are the trends here for efficient manufacturing processes.

Whether in aerospace production, with ever new aircraft or increased space missions, or in medical technology, such as medical 3D printing, the Group is involved.

Less fuel

Georg Fischer helps, for example, to save fuel or to produce more cleanly, as the presentations show.

After all, if industrial groups like GF don’t move with the times – they move with the times!


Georg Fischer Group moves with the times

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