Basel is not only known for its pharmaceutical industry or Basler Läckerli, but the city also gives talk because it distributes signs everywhere. Now this ‘disease’ is also proliferating in Zurich.
The cities of Basel and Zurich like to be competitors. For example, when a high-rise is built in one place, it usually doesn’t take long for a taller building to appear in the other city. But now Zurich is emulating Basel’s competitiveness in a completely different respect.
As muula.ch and also “20 Minuten” and even the venerable “NZZ” reported, the city on the knee of the Rhine is namely suffering from a sign disease.
Disfiguring the cityscape
Regulations and notices, as well as a lot of trivial things, are haphazardly distributed via large posters across the city disturbing the cityscape.
Now such signs are suddenly appearing in Zurich as well, according to research by muula.ch. For example, the Zurich city police are warning cyclists not to drink too much alcohol.
Thus, not only in Basel, but now also in Zurich, valuable tax money is wasted on such useless and ugly signage.