Apparently, the Corona vaccine can cause extreme side effects as well as death. States have exempted the pharmaceutical industry from obligations, and a big country is compensating for vaccine damages.
Germany has already compensated hundreds of victims of corona virus vaccination. Exactly 253 applications for compensation due to a severe undesirable side effect of the Corona vaccination have been approved, reports the “Welt am Sonntag” in its latest issue.
Over ten percent success
This was the result of a nationwide survey conducted by the newspaper among the pension offices of individual German states.
According to the survey, the most populous states are Bavaria with 61 and North Rhine-Westphalia with 38.
Bringing up the rear is the small state of Bremen with no recognition to date.
German authorities have rejected 1,808 applications for compensation. The success rate is therefore 12 percent.
Total costs unknown
Vaccine damage is mainly recognized as myocarditis, sinus vein thrombosis and Guillain-Barré syndrome, but also occasional deaths.
How much the vaccine damage will ultimately cost the countries – and thus also Switzerland – cannot be quantified at this point in time. For one thing, 3,968 applications are still being processed in Germany at the moment. Logically, more could follow.
Lifelong pensions
Secondly, the amount and scope of state benefits depend individually on the extent of the damage and its health and economic consequences.
Above a certain level of damage, the German state offers a basic lifelong pension of between 164 and 854 euros per month. In addition, it pays for treatment costs, if necessary, and pays compensation for occupational injuries.
Funeral expenses
In the German state of Hesse, for example, people with recognized vaccination damage received an average of 1,395 euros per month in 2021. In extreme cases, the total monthly amount could be as much as 15,000 euros, the newspaper added.
Survivors of vaccine deaths are also entitled to state care as well as funeral and death benefits. The costs are borne by the German states.
6.1 million Swiss vaccinated
If the figures are transferred to Switzerland, about ten percent of such cases of compensation should therefore also be recorded in Switzerland.
Swissmedic, the Swiss Agency for Therapeutic Products, which is responsible for reporting side effects, has so far stated that around 6,200 or about 40 percent of the side effects reported are serious.
According to the latest figures, around 6.1 million people have been vaccinated in Switzerland.
Blackened contracts
In Switzerland, however, it would probably be the federal government and not the cantons that would be liable to pay compensation for Corona vaccine damage. However, nothing is known so far about nationwide monetary payments due to damages caused by the experimental vaccines around Pfizer, Biontech, Moderna & Co.
The states had to release the vaccine manufacturers from their obligations in order to get the coronavirus vaccine delivered at all during the pandemic.
The public cannot understand the details of Switzerland’s contracts to purchase the corona vaccines because the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) has only published heavily-redacted copies of those procurement contracts.