The business news portal muula.ch is made by a team of experienced journalists.
We comply with the journalist code of conduct of the Swiss Press Council. We use state-of-the-art tools, such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), and use them responsibly.
Our medium is listed at the Swiss National Library under the number ISSN 2813-8368.
You can reach our editorial office at the eMail: hinweis@muula.ch
Editorial staff:

Rico N. Kutscher (kut.)
Editor-in-chief of muula.ch
Born in 1973, he has journalistic experience as host of his own radio program, as business editor of the “Neue Zürcher Zeitung” and as correspondent for Swiss media in Sydney/Australia. Studied business administration at Saarland University in Germany and at Tohoku Imperial University in Japan. From 1997 to 2002 assistant at the Chair of Operations Research at Saarland University.
Until 2011, controller and project manager in various companies, such as the holding company of the Dr. Oetker Group and Munich Re. Also an insurance analyst at the rating agency Standard & Poor’s (S&P).
Fluent in Japanese, Spanish, English and Hungarian; sworn interpreter and translator for Russian. Mother tongue is German.
Summer 2022 launch of the business news portal muula.ch.

Annegret Mathari (mat.)
Correspondent for French-speaking Switzerland and international organizations in Geneva.
She has many years of experience as a journalist for various Swiss media.
Languages: German, French and English.

Ian Soutter (ena.)
Television journalist and news director with over 50 years experience in the international news industry. Ian has produced and directed live news for television since the 1980s.
He is still heavily involved as a television news writer and script editor.
Ian has been with muula.ch from the beginning and is primarily responsible for the English language pages.
More to come …